We came to strengthen historical and cultural ties

Promoting Piauí and promoting access to new markets


The Route of Emotions

The word “emotion” suggests impulse that moves an organism to action. It comes from the Latin “emotione”: movement, act of moving and is derived from a form composed of two Latin words: “ex” (out, out) and “motio” (movement, action). Moving outside suggests an alternative route, a departure from the routine to experience something new. Precisely based on this idea, one of the most beautiful tourist routes in the country was created: the Rota das Emoções!

The Rota das Emoções is a route in northeastern Brazil that offers pulsating nature, offering unique scenery and involvement with local culture, along its 500 km route, passing through three states: Ceará, Piauí and Maranhão, 14 municipalities:

- Ceará: Jijoca de Jericoacoara, Barroquinha, Camocim, Chaval and Cruz;
- Piauí: Parnaíba, Ilha Grande, Luís Correia e Cajueiro da Praia (Barra Grande); and,
- Maranhão: Barreirinhas, Paulino Neves, Araióses, Tutóia and Santo Amaro do Maranhão.

More than 70,000 people were served by partner agencies and visited Rota das Emoções in the last 4 years, staying on average for 8 to 15 days.

Always focused on actions to promote sustainable tourism with socio-environmental responsibility, the Rota das Emoções is characterized by uniting three paradisiacal anchor conservation units: Jericoacoara National Park, in Ceará; APA of the Parnaíba Delta, in Piauí; and Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in Maranhão. Therefore, the word that names the Route is plural, referring to the indescribable emotion of visiting three environmental conservation units in a single route, in addition to other destinations that have unique natural riches, leading the visitor to have contact, from the coast, with the culture of three states in the Brazilian Northeast, with their particularities to be discovered by visitors, which make this experience unforgettable!

The 14 municipalities – The Route includes 14 municipalities with very different development profiles and attractions, and this difference is completed and forms a unique product that offers trendy, paradisiacal, peaceful, simple, refined and rustic places. Diversity of attractions for all audiences – Rota das Emoções has experiences in all segments, from ecotourism, sun and beach, and adventure activities, to gastronomic tourism with a lot of variety, ranging from typical foods from each state to international cuisine. For those who want peace, there is a beach and lots of beauty to contemplate, and for those who prefer more excitement, there are sports and adventures along the entire route and fun everywhere. Qualification of services – Rota das Emoções companies are in a constant qualification process, looking for innovative solutions and respecting the principles of sustainability, to serve visitors. Proof of this is the Rota das Emoções Sustainability Program that earned Rota inclusion in the Brazilian Tourism Sustainability Map, launched by the Ministry of Tourism and Braztoa. Rota das Emoções has 290 accommodation facilities, 341 bars and restaurants, and 65 reception agencies prepared to serve groups and individual tourists. New developments – Every season new accommodation and food options appear on the Rota das Emoções, aimed at the most diverse audiences – from charming inns with haute cuisine to cool spaces for those looking for a simpler and more relaxed trip . There's always something new. Itineraries and tours – Rota das Emoções' receptive agents promote new itineraries adapted to customer needs, as a solution for an increasingly demanding market with different tourist profiles. It is possible to find tours with specialized and qualified guides, in the most diverse types: buggy, 4X4, catamaran, speedboat, hiking, horseback and bike. Sports – For those who practice sports, Rota das Emoções also offers, especially water sports, such as kitesurfing on the beaches of Preá (CE), Barra Grande (PI), Atins and Santo Amaro (MA ). The practice of hiking and trekking is also growing, especially in Lençóis Maranhenses, a contemplative reward for those who decide to trek through its dunes and cool off in its countless freshwater lagoons. It has products for tourists with different profiles and interests, with a mix of Ecotourism, Adventure, Sun and Beach, and Culture.

The gateway to Piauí is the municipality of Cajueiro da Praia. Its main attraction is Praia de Barra Grande, a small colony inhabited in the past only by fishermen, well known for its cuisine. Its sandy village invites people to disconnect from time and enjoy every moment. Seahorses cared for and preserved by the village's residents attract tourists, as do the sunsets, one of the most spectacular on the Rota das Emoções. Kitesurfing lessons are a valid option for adventure and gastronomy, we have traditional fish cakes and hideaways from typical Barra Grande restaurants.




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